Illuminance Conversion provides a convenient and precise way to convert between various units of measurement, bridging the gap between different measurement systems. This tool is invaluable for engineers, translators, and anyone whose work involves dealing with quantities expressed in diverse units.
In photometry, illuminance refers to the total luminous flux that falls on a surface per unit area. It quantifies the intensity of incident light, taking into account the wavelength-weighted luminosity function to align with human perception of brightness. Similarly, luminous emittance signifies the luminous flux emitted from a surface per unit area and is also referred to as luminous exitance.
The lux (symbol: lx) is the official SI unit for both illuminance and luminous emittance. It is the preferred unit in photometry for measuring light intensity, with wavelengths adjusted according to the luminosity function—a standardized representation of human brightness perception. In English, "lux" is used in both singular and plural forms.
Illuminance Conversion covers a wide range of measurement units, including Foot-candles (fc), Kiloluxes (klx), Lumens per square centimeter (lm/cm²), Lumens per square meter (lm/m²), Luxes (lx), Microluxes (µlx), Milliluxes (mlx), Noxes (Nox), Phots (ph), and more.
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